SME storage, logistics & co-working spaces
Co-working space and warehousing designed for SME’s
At Storage Central, we recognize that small companies are the backbone of the East African economy. That is why we are dedicated to servicing their needs for integrated storage, logistics and co-working. We offer private work spaces where clients can store their goods and fulfil orders, complemented with a co-working space where they can work and hold meetings in a professional setting. This integrated service offer includes secure work spaces from 80m2 to 475m2 with access to a dedicated co-working space that includes Wifi, hot desks, a meeting room, and kitchenette, all in a central location. Why pay for an expensive office in town, and an overly large warehouse out of town, when you can have your office and warehouse within meters of each other?
We are focused on what our clients need, which is flexibility. At Storage Central, you can scale your business as you need. We provide a modern facility, a central location, cleanliness, security and personalised customer service.
Multiple sized units for storage, redistribution, last mile logistics or repackaging.
Inside of an 85m2 repackaging centre
Storage Central IMPACT on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
> SDG 1: No Poverty >SDG 3: Good Health & Wellbeing >SDG 5: Gender Equality
>SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth >SDG 9: Infrastructure
Creating formal jobs for Kenyan employees and clients
First-world working conditions for clients and employees at a modern facility. Emphasis on safety and cleanliness
30% of our customers are women. 50% of employees are women
Providing flexible, low-cost storage and logistics infrastructure for MSMEs, insurance available
Reduced rates so that impact clients can subsidize their products/services
Free initial professional services: legal & tax
Assist clients to formalization of business, leading to credit and formal employment
MSMEs are able to compete with larger players and succeed
Storage Central positively impacts the lives and businesses of the bottom half of the business sector and vulnerable population.